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في عصرنا يوجد مئات الآلاف من المدونين والمدونات ، البعض يعمل بشغف وحب والآخر يعمل بشكل إنتاجي للكسب فقط ! أما نحن .. نحب ونعشق وندوووب في دباديب التدوين ونؤمن أننا سنقوم بإضافة كبيرة للمحتوى العربي ولو بشيئ بسيط ، نتعلم بشكل مستمر نشارككم بكل جديد ، نحاول المساعدة نحب أصدقاءنا ، نهتم بإستفساراتهم كما لو كانت ملكنا، فريقنا فريق واحد رغم أنه متكون من شخص واحد :) لكنه يعمل بجنون

Cebas Thinking Particles 5.1 + FR3.5 SE PSDManager MAX 2013 - 2014

Cebas Thinking Particles 5.1 + FR3.5 SE PSDManager MAX 2013 - 2014

Welcome to thinkingParticles™ 5

thinkingParticles™ 5 packs more than 10 years of product development and engineering into one massive procedural dynamics effects system for 3ds Max and 3ds Max Design.

thinkingParticles is unlike anything you may have experienced before, its total approach to non linear procedural dynamics effects animation makes it stand out as the number one choice of tool for professional Artists in the industry.

Leading industry special effects icons like Mohsen Musavi, Joe Scarr, Paul Hormis, Hristo Velev, Sam Korshid, Ari Sachter-Zeltzer and many more - they all rely on the power of thinkingParticles to deliver the most amazing special effects ever seen on the silver screen.

Whats included:

Cebas finalRender Stage-1
PyroCluster 3.5
PSDManager 3.2
VolumeBreaker 1.4 SP4

If you encounter some of this errors follow the solution tips to get fixed. ( ps: it's tested and proven )

Scenario 1.
-- FumeFX_TP.dlo generates error 126 during start-up.
-- open plugin.ini here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsmax2013 _x64\cebas_plugin.ini
-- check it if the codes are the same as what i have attached below. If not then it must go this way.

cebas plugins=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsmax2013 _x64\cebas_plugin.ini
AfterworksCommon=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2013\plugins\Afterworks\Common
FumeFX=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2013\plugins\Afterworks\FumeFX
AfterworksOptional=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max Design 2013\plugins\Afterworks\Optional

Scenario 2.
-- The blackboxes aren't showing up.
TP has TWO SITES WITH THE thinking.ini
-- a)One in the 3d Max root

-- b)the second one in the USER/AppData/Autodesk/3DMax 2013/enu/plugcfg.

Option A.
3dmax use the second one make sure that thinking.ini is not incomplete and that is the reason why you don't see the BlackBoxes.
that file have to look something like this:
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________

Shadow=127 127 127
Helper=138 233 100
Operator=241 182 57
Condition=240 212 52
DynamicSet=160 150 230
Shape=196 158 113
In=162 188 59
Out=138 172 2
Group=200 125 240
Initiator=237 30 30
Generator=242 109 109
BG=139 139 139
In_Dis=72 125 72
Out_Dis=44 70 118
Title_Sel=248 247 247
Invalid=150 150 150
Text=0 0 0
Grid=180 180 180
Frame=0 0 0
In_High=127 255 127
Out_High=255 127 127
Need=255 255 0
Need_Dis=255 255 0
Wire=0 0 255
Debug=50 50 255
TP_Properties=187 123 1050 945 0
TP_Properties_DynSetTree=204 386 403 830
TP_Properties_PGroupTree=204 179 403 335
TP_DebugLog=252 423 919 803
TP_Properties_LeftRollup=365 116 575 930
Dir0=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x6 4\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\Tutorials\ej ercicios_XXXX
Dir1=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x6 4\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Basic
Dir2=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x6 4\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Conditio ns
Dir3=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x6 4\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Curves
Dir4=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x6 4\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Dynamics
Dir5=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x6 4\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Fragging
Dir6=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x6 4\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Generato rs
Dir7=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x6 4\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Groups
Dir8=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x6 4\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Helpers
Dir9=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x6 4\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Joints
Dir10=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x 64\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Materia ls
Dir11=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x 64\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Math
Dir12=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x 64\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Memory
Dir13=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x 64\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Notes
Dir14=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x 64\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_SC
Dir15=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x 64\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Sorting
Dir16=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x 64\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Systems
Dir17=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x 64\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Utiliti es
Dir18=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x 64\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_VB
Dir19=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x 64\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\m3d_Vectors
Dir20=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x 64\thinkingParticles5\3rdpartyBlackBox\Tutorials

Dir0=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x6 4\thinkingParticles5\thinking_ui

DynamicSet=160 150 230
Shape=196 158 113
Condition=240 212 52
In=150 255 87
Out=105 245 174
In_High=178 248 178
Need_Dis=151 151 47
Out_High=150 176 251
Title_Sel=248 247 247
Invalid=255 255 0
Helper=138 233 100
Initiator=237 30 30
Out_Dis=44 70 118
Operator=241 182 57
In_Dis=72 125 72
Group=200 125 240
Body=198 198 198
Generator=242 109 109
Wire=58 58 58
BG=220 220 220

Option B.
--change the folder name of in local documents from 3dsmax2013 to 2014 ( if you are using Max 2014 ) and also changing the directory in both thinking.ini files to 2014.

Scenario. 3
-- "classic" X-Force ipClamp crack (as provided with this release) get some error see the screenshot below.

-- I had this problem under W8 also, that the PC wont boot and was not recoverable, i switched out the SSD and put it into another PC, deleted the swapfile and the pagefile on drive C, after putting the SSD back into the PC W8 boots normaly.

So if you encounter this error, delete these two files, works for me 2 times for now.

Quote: any other experiences with IP-Clamp and Windows 8 GPT installation? I have this setup and am a bit nervous to test it out.
Answer: work fine for me on 2 UEFI win 8 pro...without any trouble...May be it's due to other set up than the uefi (SSD, raid/ahci drivers...) but for me it's working like a charm...

Scenario. 4
--TP 5.1 crashes very often with the node egg Timer
-- download this version and not here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/bpe8xo
-- simply overwrite the file, it works, no jiggle....

Scenario. 5
 MaxScript error.
-- Error occurred during fileIn in <ReadonlyTextFileStream:0x00008d88>; line number: 335
>> MAXScript Auto-load Script Error - C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts\startup\TP_Startup.ms Exception:
-- Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined <<
cebas plugins=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013 _x64\cebas_plugin.ini

This is supposed to be in the
C:\Users\~USER~\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\Plugin.UserSettings.ini

Scenario. 6
--  missing presets that are coming with regular installers (finalRender materials, render settings, etc.).
put fr.ini Inside pluggincfg, not Inside plugincfg_ln, then it work.
C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x64\fin alRender R3.5\settings\materialsettings
C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x64\fin alRender R3.5\settings\material settings

materialsettings just needs a space between each work...such a small irritation :P

Scenario. 7
-- how to used psd-manager on Max 2014
To use psd-manage on max2014
put in to C:\Users\~USERNAME~\Documents\3dsMax\scenes
this is "maxstart"file, only add psd effect and save(max2012)
Link(s):  http://www.sendspace.com/file/msyu5d 

Stop the Ipclamp service to get the rollout to show properly then start it again to be able to render correctly.

Put this in a batch file and create a shortcut on your taskbar to switch the service on and off without having to open up the service manager all the time.

REM Checking Service state
REM replace bolded service variable below with the service you want to start or stop
net start IPClampService 2>nul
if errorlevel 2 goto AlreadyRunning
if errorlevel 1 goto Error

REM Service started

GOTO ContinueWithBatch

REM Service is already running
REM replace bolded service below with the service you want to start or stop
net stop IPClampService
GOTO ContinueWithBatch

REM Service failed to start
GOTO ContinueWithBatch


Scenario. 8
-- Rollout Error
-- download this fix for rollout . i just replace the psdmanager.dlv
fixed rollout;
-- Just copy the CebasAbout.dll from "C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x64\ce basdlu" folder and place it in "C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax2013_x64\ps dmanager"

Scenario. 9
-- I have a problem with TP_Startup.ms it giving me this message:

-- Error occurred during fileIn in <ReadonlyTextFileStream:0x00002ce0>; line number: 335
>> MAXScript Auto-load Script Error - C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts\startup\TP_Startup.ms Exception:
-- Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined <<

-- I just install Thinkparticles and I faced a problem while loading 3D Max 2013 64bit.

-- Error occurred during fileIn in <ReadonlyTextFileStream:0x00002ce0>; line number: 335
>> MAXScript Auto-load Script Error - C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts\startup\TP_Startup.ms Exception:
-- Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined <<

1. Copy cebas folder for your 3ds max version to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\

2. Copy cebas_plugin.ini to the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\en-US

3. Copy finalrender.ini to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\plugcfg

4. Copy TP_Startup.ms to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\scripts\Startup

5. Copy thinking.ini to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\plugcfg

6. Copy finalRender3.5, thinkingParticles5, and psdmanager folders to C:\Users\~USERNAME~\Documents\3dsMax\scenes

7. Copy cebas Software folder to C:\Program Files (x86)

8. create a shortcut to C:\Program Files (x86)\cebas Software\thinkingParticles 5\thinkingParticles 5 Manual\thinkingParticles 5 Manual.exe

9. I installed the IP-clamp1.2.msi without reboting the PC

10. Fire the keygen, press Crack and pick Cebas/Ip-clamp dir

11. Reboot

12. Launch IP-Clamp.exe and choose 'localhost' as primary network adapter, apply.

13. Create a request file using your personnal informations and a licence code generated by our keygen.

14. Use keygen to generate a valid licence ipclamp.lic from this request.
Save the lic where except in IPClamp's dir

15. Import your licence in IP-Clamp.

2. Copy cebas_plugin.ini to the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\en-US"

This file have to stay on C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax201X_x64 folder, here's your eror...but you have to edit, manually the plugin.ini that is Inside the en-US folder, with the line [Include]

cebas plugins=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsMax201X _x64\cebas_plugin.ini, after everything will be ok...remplace the X on the folder by the folder version provide Inside cracked version (2013 normally).

6. Copy finalRender3.5, thinkingParticles5, and psdmanager folders to C:\Users\~USERNAME~\Documents\3dsMax\scenes

Those are scene folder not the plugin one, the plugins one have to stay Inside the public docs....

Scenario. 10
-- All the bullet physics don't seem to work. Everything else seems to work but i would love to know a fix for the bullet physics.
- have activate it in the group menu, you must have the bullet physics node already made before the menu appears.
- bullet is kind of different than SC so after you do your setup go to particles group menu on the left then go to bullet tab and activate it then it will work as rbd.

Scenario. 11
-- when i try to save ini file told me acces is dined
-- copy the plugin.ini to your desktop, make changes, save it there at the desktop and copy it back where it came from.

Scenario. 12
-- "Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined".

-- Add this to the top of your plugin.ini file located at C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2014\en-US
> to the top

cebas plugins=C:\Users\Public\Documents\cebas\3dsmax2013 _x64\cebas_plugin.ini

so, here is a quick tip for TP.

because TP 5.0 has a little bug in the cache system with redraw.
I have done many tests and here is an example of a scene:

same scene:

TP 5.0 caching time: 43,34 min
TP 5.1 caching time: 39,38 min

so, you can fix this in 5.0:

klick your TP in viewport, go to:
Object Properties: check on - Display as Box
and in TP: redraw views: off

and then the results are the same like in TP 5.1.

? Hi guys, I uninstalled cebas from my pc for personal reasons and this is what shows up every time I open max. it's very annoying. I tried installing 3ds max but it still appears even after reinstalling max.

-- You need to delete the folder '3dsMax' in C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMa x

عنوان التدوينة: Cebas Thinking Particles 5.1 + FR3.5 SE PSDManager MAX 2013 - 2014
تقييم : 10 من 10 مرتكز على 24 تقييم.
الكاتب / المدير Ali Mohamed
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